Onto the second most important part of your listing, Your Pictures.
To start with you really need 2-10 pictures of your item. The old saying "A picture is worth a 1000 words" is as still true today as it always was. Just to be clear you only need to use one in the main part of the listing the rest go in the description. I do not believe in paying for the upgrade like picture pack etc.
This part will vary from country to country ebay.com for example have just bought in a policy of "no text" in the pictures which is a bit of a blow to be honest. However ebay.co.uk have no such policy so its easier to make you picture stand out.
Lets see a few examples...
This is just your standard photo. There is nothing wrong with it. The item can be clearly seen, but....
Now this is how its done!
This will jump out at you. This sort of picture will increase your traffic ten fold.
Also going back to the tittle, the picture clearly states what the item is so it does not matter if your tittle s a bit confusing.
Unfortunately you wont get away with this much text and colour on ebay.com anymore.
However you can add a company logo, and just maybe a few words. I have also seen them with borders so that should be fine. Just go through some listing on the ebay in your county see what others are doing and you will get some idea of how far you can go with your ebay item pictures.
That's pictures sorted then. Lets look at some ebay descriptions now